Sunday, March 16, 2014


Everyone's life is a story. 
We all have moments, memories, plot twists, and eventually, happy or tragic, an ending. 
I have made the realization that time goes faster with every year. 
...dang it. 
I've also come to find out that growing up is not all its advertised to be. 
But something can be made of every chapter in life.
You get what you give right?

High school is soon coming to a close. 
And I'm not sure I am ready for this next chapter, but what's coming is coming. And you just meet it when it does. 
I left my legacy at Lone Peak. 
It's been a big part of who I am and who I've become
So far the story has been legendary, and that's the goal with every chapter here on out. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014


There is such drooping shadow constantly lurking over this word. 
I think about dying and it's depressing. 
That's a good sign though right? 
That life is good enough to me that I don't want to leave it, I don't want it to be over. 
I believe that this is not the end. I know there is life after death. 
But I am not ready for that life. 
I still have places to go. 
People to meet. 
Mistakes to make. 
Candles to blow out. 
Kids to have. 
Games to win. 
Challenges to rise against. 

I still have time to become. 

The tricky thing about death is you never know when it will show up at your doorstep. 
Whether it's there to take you or the ones you love. 
You never know how much time you really do have. 
So do what you love, love who you love, be who you are, and say what you want. 

I am not like everyone in this class.

I'm not a hipster...I'm not someone who can write about deep things easily 
I like Ben & Jerry's Ice cream and Gatorade and rap music. 
Maybe you guys like those things too, I don't know. 
I read what you write and have to accept the fact that I will probably never write like that. 
Some of the posts I have read this year are inspiration and genius.
If I can some how find my own genius, a way to inspire, I will have made something of this class. 


Fear is one of the strongest feelings we have. 

Fear of failure. 
Fear of rejection. 
Fear of getting hurt. 
Fear of losing someone. 
Fear of sin. (I think Mumford & Sons sums that up nicely.."Darkness is a harsh term don't you think?
And yet it dominates the things I see")

I can't help but think of what I would do if I weren't afraid. 
If I felt the fear and did it anyway. 
Who I could become. 
I think maybe we are taking fear the wrong way. 
Fear is not our enemy. 
Lets make it a compass, pointing to the areas we can grow. 

I have a life motto I've slowly been trying to take on...

Do one thing everyday that scares you. 

Feel the fear my friends. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Quote Of The Day:

"You are the sum total of all you've heard, thought and said."

I am the shows I watch, the twitter accounts I follow, and the things I see on the daily
I am the thoughts I think and the people I talk to everyday
I am the songs I listen to, and the words I hear

In a lot of ways I think this is the coolest thing ever...but then I think about all the things I actually listen to and think and see every day and I'm not so sure that I want all those things to be part of me


Concrete isn't even concrete. Ever heard of a jack hammer? 
There are things in life that I don't want to be obliterated into bits of rubble 
And here lies a problem...
We label things like family, friends, religion as "concrete" and we think that's that. Concrete is strong and hard to move, but not impossible. 
Let's talk about really sure things. Like Mount Everest or the ocean. 
As I write I can't help but have to accept the fact creating a love or a friendship or a belief as strong as a mountain that has been around for 60 million years is not an easy task. 
It takes time and effort and repetition and work. 
So maybe families do fall apart sometimes 
And friends fade
And people waiver in what they believe 
But you create your own concrete in life...and ironically you could also be the one holding the jackhammer 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I don’t know if anyone reads my blog.
Maybe I’m typing and deleting and typing…and deleting all Sunday evening (don’t deny you leave it for this day too) just to post these words to cyberspace.
Maybe there is an off chance that these words could mean something to you my dear (and probably only), reader. So I’ll keep typing.

I follow this instagram account…@humansofny
It’s run by this guy who goes around New York all day and snaps photos of people asking them about their life. My favorite is when he asks…

“If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?”

He asks the elderly, the young and all ages in between. I love it because although I haven’t lived their lives or even close to it I acquire their wisdom for free.
I mean this is a big deal, before social media I would have had to sit with my great aunt edna and sort through old pictures for hours to get some wisdom (not that I don’t love aunt edna). And I’ve thought about this a few times, the idea of someone coming up and asking me that same question, what my response would be.

Are you on the edge of your seat reader??
You’re about to get wisdom for free…

Enjoy the present. No matter what the future holds.

This is something that always rings true in my life. Especially now, but probably always. Because we never will know what the future does hold.

Feel free to comment your wisdom…I mean it’s only fair right?

(we all probably need it more than you think)