Sunday, February 23, 2014


I don’t know if anyone reads my blog.
Maybe I’m typing and deleting and typing…and deleting all Sunday evening (don’t deny you leave it for this day too) just to post these words to cyberspace.
Maybe there is an off chance that these words could mean something to you my dear (and probably only), reader. So I’ll keep typing.

I follow this instagram account…@humansofny
It’s run by this guy who goes around New York all day and snaps photos of people asking them about their life. My favorite is when he asks…

“If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be?”

He asks the elderly, the young and all ages in between. I love it because although I haven’t lived their lives or even close to it I acquire their wisdom for free.
I mean this is a big deal, before social media I would have had to sit with my great aunt edna and sort through old pictures for hours to get some wisdom (not that I don’t love aunt edna). And I’ve thought about this a few times, the idea of someone coming up and asking me that same question, what my response would be.

Are you on the edge of your seat reader??
You’re about to get wisdom for free…

Enjoy the present. No matter what the future holds.

This is something that always rings true in my life. Especially now, but probably always. Because we never will know what the future does hold.

Feel free to comment your wisdom…I mean it’s only fair right?

(we all probably need it more than you think)


You know, sometimes people spend quite a bit of time trying to be original.
Being different isn’t a bad thing. It never will be.
Without originality we wouldn’t have Picasso, string cheese, snuggies or instagram.
Could you imagine?

No, originality isn’t the issue here folks.
…The problem lies in the pursuit of being original.

If only I could put it to words like my old pal C.S. Lewis…

“No man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it”

Lone Peak may be the perfect place to observe originality 
Although the girls at LP may deceive you with that, the amount of flannel shirts tied around everyone’s waists is off the charts these days, but don’t be fooled. They aren’t all the same…I think.
So. Why do we do what we do…you know, try so hard to find our “own thing” and then runaway from it once others decide that’s their thing too.
Here’s the thing about “finding your thing” most things have already been found.
People have been on this planet for eh roughly 200,000 years…so try to keep in mind it’s okay to copy, it’s okay to be different, it’s also okay to be the same.

Here’s the thing. We are here on this planet (in my opinion & along with other reasons) to connect with people. Everyday. Maybe they are the same people…our families and friends. Maybe they are strangers.
Either way, we come in contact with them to remember we aren’t alone.

So be different together.

Be the same together.

I’m no scholar or anything short of an average writer, but I believe that if you stay true to you and do what you do…without worrying about appearance of your life, you will become an original. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love... Pt. 2

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes — all you need is one. -Peyton Sawyer (the real one, not the one in our class..)

love changes lives and changes people. 
love is the biggest parts of our life, but it's one of the hardest things to define or describe. 

love is a perfect process. love is whatever you make it, don't just make love, make your love great. 

love can make the darkest of times have light. love is endless laughter. 

love is something that is always on your mind, even when you don't know it. love is inspiring. it makes us want to be better, to do better. Just because... well, just because you love her. 

if you don't believe in love, i believe you are afraid of love

love makes the days go by faster just knowing you are going to see her later. love is a team. 

love can be found when you're young. why not? 

i don't believe there has to be maturity to have love. love is about bein crazy, immature, wrong, right, stupid, wise, young, old, happy and sad, terrified and excited, and being all these things TOGETHER. 

love makes big problems seem small, and sometimes small problems seem big, and true love finds its way through them all.

we all need love, it is the source of true happiness. embrace it people. 

love is that one person you are thinking about as you read this whole thing. 

Love… Pt. 1

Love is a feeling. 
A feeling with a lot of feelings. 
Like inception or something…
I've been sitting here for a while now, trying to put into words the thoughts in my head. 
I am in love. 
With the sweetest girl on earth. 

She has taught me more about love than any other human on this planet. 
I've learned that love is selfless. 
I've also learned that love can make us selfish. And scared, unfortunately insecure…
Love is opening up a part of your heart that you keep from the rest of the world, because all we really want is to be with people who get us..and accept us…and want to be with us despite how weird we all really are. Love is service, it's finding someone who means more to you than you mean to yourself.
I feel like you can love things and you can love people.
Sometimes you have the realization that those things and people won't always love you back…
but here we are…loving anyway. 
Sometimes we can't control it, most of the time we can't describe it. But we all feel it. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

In honor of Valentines Day and the Olympics. #beprepared

Where are my crayons?

I feel like school has given me TUNNEL VISION.
This class is all about creativity.
I'm very good when it comes to writing essays or doing x amount of math problems, but when I'm told to write about crayons or humans, I can only see one thing, crayons and humans.
Teachers give assignments with one way to be accomplished and that is at the end of the tunnel. When it comes to school, there are certain ways to do things in order to "succeed."
My success is measured by the first four letters of the alphabet. But who is to say that the letter A determines my fate. Striving to get good grades my whole life, I've caught the public school plague. The left side of my brain has become dominant.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

What makes me RELAX

windy nights
netflix at 1 in the morning
sitting in the hot tub
slow love jams
the weekend
no homework
being young
writing how i feel and not having anyone know its me
late night drives
being alone
being with that special person
the dark
doing what i want


“If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is.” -Chad Sugg

We as humans strive for happiness, but sit in our heartaches. 

Happiness is a choice, but sadness we choose

Capable of winning, yet too often we lose. 

Stay on my page I'll cut to the chase
The long sad posts are just a big waste. 

Complex lives quickly leads us to misery
Cut the drama, simplicity is key

Look around how could you not smile
You're alive, make it worth while

So wake up tomorrow and look for the better
So many reasons to be happy, and mine is her

-Maurice Gibb.