You know, sometimes people spend quite a bit of time trying
to be original.
Being different isn’t a bad thing. It never will be.
Without originality we wouldn’t have Picasso, string cheese,
snuggies or instagram.
Could you imagine?
No, originality isn’t the issue here folks.
…The problem lies in the pursuit of being original.
If only I could put it to words like my old pal C.S. Lewis…
“No man who bothers about originality will ever be original:
whereas if you simply try to tell (without caring twopence how often it has
been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever
having noticed it”
Lone Peak may be the perfect place to observe originality
Although the girls at LP may deceive you with that, the amount
of flannel shirts tied around everyone’s waists is off the charts these days,
but don’t be fooled. They aren’t all the same…I think.
So. Why do we do what we do…you know, try so hard to find our “own
thing” and then runaway from it once others decide that’s their thing too.
Here’s the thing about “finding your thing” most things have
already been found.
People have been on this planet for eh roughly 200,000 years…so
try to keep in mind it’s okay to copy, it’s okay to be different, it’s also
okay to be the same.
Here’s the thing. We are here on this planet (in my opinion
& along with other reasons) to connect with people. Everyday. Maybe they
are the same people…our families and friends. Maybe they are strangers.
Either way, we come in contact with them to remember we aren’t
So be different together.
Be the same together.
no scholar or anything short of an average writer, but I believe that if you
stay true to you and do what you do…without worrying about appearance of your
life, you will become an original.